If your ancestors come from the province of Lucca, and you are planning a research trip, there is a portal through which you can research what records are available in the libraries and archives of the province.
Lucchese Archive Portal
I do find that the results lean more heavily towards the type of records that are found in local Italian libraries. However, they can be useful too, especially when researching the history of a town or province.
a blog for genealogists, historians and those who love all things Italian!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Italian Provincial Archives (Archivio di Stato) on Facebook
Sometimes you need to think outside the box when it comes to researching your ancestors. It is often hard to get questions answered from one of Italy's provincial archives, their Archivio di Stato. I often find that the emails posted on the website are inactive.
It is the latest rage to find that many of Italy's provincial archives has a Facebook page. Take for example the Facebook page for the Archivio di Stato in Palermo.
Whilte the archives are just beginning their foray into the Facebook world, it is a unique way to get questions answered about their holdings, keep up with archival activities, and communicate with their staff. I've had more luck getting questions answered on their Facebook page then through email communication.
It is the latest rage to find that many of Italy's provincial archives has a Facebook page. Take for example the Facebook page for the Archivio di Stato in Palermo.
Whilte the archives are just beginning their foray into the Facebook world, it is a unique way to get questions answered about their holdings, keep up with archival activities, and communicate with their staff. I've had more luck getting questions answered on their Facebook page then through email communication.
Archivio Storico Diplomatico - Records of Italian Consular Offices Around the World
Consular records may be of use to you if you are researching an ex-pat in a foreign country or your ancestors were amongst the diplomatic corps.
"The Historical Archive Diplomatic (Section III), is responsible for the conservation, and the adjustment of the inventory of the historical diplomatic archives produced by both the central offices of the Ministry and the diplomatic and consular representations abroad and guarantees the accessibility within the limits of consultation. ...It also contains the originals of international acts."
The website of the Ministero degli Affari Esteri in Rome has a good description of what is available for research and the procedure for requesting approval to go research at the Rome archive.
Archivio Storico Diplomatico
The records below are a few I thought might be particularly useful for genealogical or historical research. There are many other records available.
Rappresentanze diplomatiche e consolari - Diplomatic missions and consular posts
Ambasciata d'Italia in Turchia 1829 - 1938 Italian Embassy in Turkey 1829 - 1938
Rappresentanze diplomatiche negli Usa 1848 - 1901 Diplomatic missions in the United States 1848 - 1901
Ambasciata d'Italia a Washington 1901 - 1909 Italian Embassy in Washington 1901 - 1909
Ambasciata d'Italia a Washington 1940 -1973 Italian Embassy in Washington 1940 -1973
Legazione Sarda a Copenaghen 1861 Sardinian Legation in Copenhagen 1861
Ambasciata Londra 1861-1950 Embassy London 1861-1950
Supplemento Ambasciata Londra 1938 - 1950 Supplement Embassy London 1938 - 1950
Consolato d'Italia a Tripoli 1879 - 1911 Consulate of Italy in Tripoli 1879 - 1911
Rappresentanze diplomatiche Francia 1861 - 1950 Diplomatic missions France 1861 - 1950
Rappresentanze diplomatiche Russia (Urss) 1861 - 1950 Diplomatic missions Russia (USSR) from 1861 to 1950
Rappresentanze diplomatiche Berlino 1867 - 1943 Diplomatic missions Berlin 1867 - 1943
Rappresentanze diplomatiche Vienna 1862 - 1938 Diplomatic missions Vienna 1862 - 1938
Rappresentanza diplomatica in Egitto 1864 - 1940 Diplomatic representation in Egypt 1864 - 1940
Rappresentanza diplomatica in Perù 1867 - 1953 Diplomatic representation in Peru 1867 - 1953
Vice Consolato Sebenico (Jugoslavia) 1915 - 1941 Vice Consulate Šibenik (Yugoslavia) from 1915 to 1941
Vice Consolato Spalato 1915 - 1941 Vice Consulate Split 1915 - 1941
Ambasciata d'Italia a Praga e Ufficio Commerciale 1919 - 1945 Italian Embassy in Prague and Sales Department 1919 - 1945
Legazione d'Italia a Fiume 1921-1924 Italian Legation in Rijeka 1921-1924
Ambasciata d'Italia presso la Santa Sede 1929 - 1946 Italian Embassy to the Holy See 1929 - 1946
Ambasciata d'Italia presso la Santa Sede 1946 - 1954 Italian Embassy to the Holy See 1946 - 1954
Ambasciata d'Italia a Parigi 1951 - 1960 Embassy of Italy in Paris 1951 - 1960
Consolati di Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, New Orleans e S. Consulates in Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, New Orleans and St. Francisco 1879 - 1958 Francisco 1879 - 1958
Legazione Albania 1913 - 1916 Legation Albania 1913 - 1916
Ministero Africa Italiana vol. Ministry of Italian Africa vol. I 1857 - 1939 The 1857 - 1939
Ministero Africa Italiana vol. Ministry of Italian Africa vol. II 1859 - 1945 II 1859 - 1945
Ministero Africa Italiana vol. Ministry of Italian Africa vol. III 1879 - 1955 III 1879 - 1955
Ministero Africa Italiana vol. Ministry of Italian Africa vol. IV 1855 - 1962 IV 1855 - 1962
Ministero Africa Italiana vol. Ministry of Italian Africa vol. V 1926 - 1948 V 1926 - 1948
Archivio Eritrea 1880 - 1945 Archive Eritrea 1880 - 1945
Ministero Africa Italiana Affari Politici 1880 - 1945 Ministry of Italian Africa Political Affairs 1880 - 1945
Ministero Africa Italiana Affari economici e finanziari 1913 - 1944 Ministry of Italian Africa Economic and Financial Affairs 1913 - 1944
Consiglio Superiore Coloniale 1923 - 1939 Colonial High Council 1923 - 1939
Comitato per la documentazione delle attività italiane in Africa 1951 - 1980 Committee for the documentation of the Italian activities in Africa 1951 - 1980
Ministero Africa Italiana Gabinetto Archivio Segreto 1925 - 1942 Ministry of Italian Africa Cabinet Secret Archives 1925 - 1942
Fondo Comitato attività italiane in Africa 1951 - 1980 Fund Committee of the Italian activities in Africa 1951 - 1980
Direzione Africa Orientale 1943 - 1950 Direction East Africa 1943 - 1950
Consiglio di tutela - Nazioni Unite 1946 - 1950 Trusteeship Council - the United Nations 1946 - 1950
Ministero dell'Africa Italiana - Ispettorato scuole Ministry of Italian Africa - Schools Inspectorate
Inventari pubblicati dal Ministero degli affari esteri - Inventories published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Indirizzo dell'archivio storico diplomatico - Address of the Diplomatic
Ministero degli Affari Esteri - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Piazzale della Farnesina 1 Piazzale della Farnesina 1
I-00194 Roma I-00194 Rome
Italia Italy
Tel. 06 /3691 3213; 3235; 3233 Tel. 06/3691 3213, 3235, 3233
Fax: 06/ 36914067 Fax: 06/36914067
Dr.ssa Stefania Ruggeri – Capo sezione III Archivio storico diplomatico – Responsabile Sala Studio e Servizio al pubblico Dr. Stefania Ruggeri - Head of Section III Archival diplomat - Head Study Room and service to the public
Dr.ssa Paola Busonero – Responsabile ricerche – Sezione Affari generali e relazioni esterne Dr. Paola Busonero - Research Manager - General Affairs and External Relations Section
Tel. 06/3691 3231 Tel. 06/3691 3231
Fax: 06/36914067 Fax: 06/36914067
"The Historical Archive Diplomatic (Section III), is responsible for the conservation, and the adjustment of the inventory of the historical diplomatic archives produced by both the central offices of the Ministry and the diplomatic and consular representations abroad and guarantees the accessibility within the limits of consultation. ...It also contains the originals of international acts."
The website of the Ministero degli Affari Esteri in Rome has a good description of what is available for research and the procedure for requesting approval to go research at the Rome archive.
Archivio Storico Diplomatico
The records below are a few I thought might be particularly useful for genealogical or historical research. There are many other records available.
Rappresentanze diplomatiche e consolari - Diplomatic missions and consular posts
Ambasciata d'Italia in Turchia 1829 - 1938 Italian Embassy in Turkey 1829 - 1938
Rappresentanze diplomatiche negli Usa 1848 - 1901 Diplomatic missions in the United States 1848 - 1901
Ambasciata d'Italia a Washington 1901 - 1909 Italian Embassy in Washington 1901 - 1909
Ambasciata d'Italia a Washington 1940 -1973 Italian Embassy in Washington 1940 -1973
Legazione Sarda a Copenaghen 1861 Sardinian Legation in Copenhagen 1861
Ambasciata Londra 1861-1950 Embassy London 1861-1950
Supplemento Ambasciata Londra 1938 - 1950 Supplement Embassy London 1938 - 1950
Consolato d'Italia a Tripoli 1879 - 1911 Consulate of Italy in Tripoli 1879 - 1911
Rappresentanze diplomatiche Francia 1861 - 1950 Diplomatic missions France 1861 - 1950
Rappresentanze diplomatiche Russia (Urss) 1861 - 1950 Diplomatic missions Russia (USSR) from 1861 to 1950
Rappresentanze diplomatiche Berlino 1867 - 1943 Diplomatic missions Berlin 1867 - 1943
Rappresentanze diplomatiche Vienna 1862 - 1938 Diplomatic missions Vienna 1862 - 1938
Rappresentanza diplomatica in Egitto 1864 - 1940 Diplomatic representation in Egypt 1864 - 1940
Rappresentanza diplomatica in Perù 1867 - 1953 Diplomatic representation in Peru 1867 - 1953
Vice Consolato Sebenico (Jugoslavia) 1915 - 1941 Vice Consulate Šibenik (Yugoslavia) from 1915 to 1941
Vice Consolato Spalato 1915 - 1941 Vice Consulate Split 1915 - 1941
Ambasciata d'Italia a Praga e Ufficio Commerciale 1919 - 1945 Italian Embassy in Prague and Sales Department 1919 - 1945
Legazione d'Italia a Fiume 1921-1924 Italian Legation in Rijeka 1921-1924
Ambasciata d'Italia presso la Santa Sede 1929 - 1946 Italian Embassy to the Holy See 1929 - 1946
Ambasciata d'Italia presso la Santa Sede 1946 - 1954 Italian Embassy to the Holy See 1946 - 1954
Ambasciata d'Italia a Parigi 1951 - 1960 Embassy of Italy in Paris 1951 - 1960
Consolati di Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, New Orleans e S. Consulates in Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, New Orleans and St. Francisco 1879 - 1958 Francisco 1879 - 1958
Legazione Albania 1913 - 1916 Legation Albania 1913 - 1916
Ministero Africa Italiana vol. Ministry of Italian Africa vol. I 1857 - 1939 The 1857 - 1939
Ministero Africa Italiana vol. Ministry of Italian Africa vol. II 1859 - 1945 II 1859 - 1945
Ministero Africa Italiana vol. Ministry of Italian Africa vol. III 1879 - 1955 III 1879 - 1955
Ministero Africa Italiana vol. Ministry of Italian Africa vol. IV 1855 - 1962 IV 1855 - 1962
Ministero Africa Italiana vol. Ministry of Italian Africa vol. V 1926 - 1948 V 1926 - 1948
Archivio Eritrea 1880 - 1945 Archive Eritrea 1880 - 1945
Ministero Africa Italiana Affari Politici 1880 - 1945 Ministry of Italian Africa Political Affairs 1880 - 1945
Ministero Africa Italiana Affari economici e finanziari 1913 - 1944 Ministry of Italian Africa Economic and Financial Affairs 1913 - 1944
Consiglio Superiore Coloniale 1923 - 1939 Colonial High Council 1923 - 1939
Comitato per la documentazione delle attività italiane in Africa 1951 - 1980 Committee for the documentation of the Italian activities in Africa 1951 - 1980
Ministero Africa Italiana Gabinetto Archivio Segreto 1925 - 1942 Ministry of Italian Africa Cabinet Secret Archives 1925 - 1942
Fondo Comitato attività italiane in Africa 1951 - 1980 Fund Committee of the Italian activities in Africa 1951 - 1980
Direzione Africa Orientale 1943 - 1950 Direction East Africa 1943 - 1950
Consiglio di tutela - Nazioni Unite 1946 - 1950 Trusteeship Council - the United Nations 1946 - 1950
Ministero dell'Africa Italiana - Ispettorato scuole Ministry of Italian Africa - Schools Inspectorate
Inventari pubblicati dal Ministero degli affari esteri - Inventories published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Le scritture della segreteria di Stato degli affari esteri del regno di Sardegna, a cura di R. The records of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sardinia, edited by R. Moscati, Roma 1947 (Indici dell'Archivio Storico, I) Moscati, Rome 1947 (the Historical Indexes, I)
- La Legazione sarda in Vienna (1707 - 1859), a cura di E. The Sardinian Legation in Vienna (1707 - 1859), edited by E. Piscitelli, Roma 1950 (Indici dell'Archivio Storico, II) Piscitelli, Rome 1950 (the Historical Indexes, II)
- Le Legazioni sarde a Parigi, Berna, L' Aja, Lisbona e Madrid, a cura di F. The Sardinian Legations in Paris, Berne, L 'Hague, Lisbon, Madrid, edited by F. Bacino, Roma 1951 (Indici dell'Archivio Storico, III) Basin, Rome 1951 (Index of the Historical, III)
- La Legazione sarda in Londra (1730 - 1860), a cura di M. The Sardinian Legation in London (1730 - 1860), edited by M. Pastore, Roma 1952 (Indici dell'Archivio Storico, IV) Shepherd, Rome 1952 (the Historical Indexes, IV)
- La Legazione ei consolati del regno di Sardegna in Russia (1783 - 1861), a cura di F. The legation and consulates of the Kingdom of Sardinia in Russia (1783 - 1861), edited by F. Bacino, Roma 1952 (Indici dell'Archivio Storico, V) Basin, Rome 1952 (the Historical Indexes, V)
- Le scritture del Ministero degli affari esteri del Regno d' Italia dal 1861 al 1887, a cura di R. Entries in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Italy 'from 1861 to 1887, edited by R. Moscati, Roma 1953 (Indici dell'Archivio Storico, VI) Moscati, Rome 1953 (the Historical Indexes, VI)
- Le scritture del "Gabinetto Crispi" e le carte "Sonnino", a cura di F. Entries in the "Cabinet Crispi" cards and "Sonnino", edited by F. Bacino, Roma 1955 (Indici dell'Archivio Storico, VII) Basin, Rome 1955 (the Historical Indexes, VII)
- Le scritture della Legazione e del consolato di Toscana in Roma dal 1737 al 1859, a cura di R. The writings of the Legation and Consulate of Tuscany in Rome from 1737 to 1859, edited by R. Mori, Roma 1959 (Indici dell'Archivio Storico, VIII) Mori, Rome 1959 (the Historical Indexes, VIII)
- Inventario della "Serie D" (Direzione dell' archivio storico), a cura di S. Inventory of the "Series D" (Directorate of 'historical archives), edited by S. Ruggeri, Roma 1988 (Indici dell'Archivio Storico, IX) Ruggeri, Rome 1988 (the Historical Indexes, IX)
- Inventario dell'Archivio del Consolato del Granducato di Toscana in Roma (1817-1853), a cura di C. Inventory of the Archives of the Consulate of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany in Rome (1817-1853), edited by C. Lisi, Roma 1996 (Indici dell'Archivio Storico, X) Lisi, Rome 1996 (the Historical Indexes, X)
- Le carte del Gabinetto del Ministro e della Segreteria generale dal 1923 al 1943, a cura di P. The papers of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Secretary General from 1923 to 1943, edited by P. Pastorelli, Roma 1999 (Indici dell'Archivio Storico, XI) Pastorelli, Rome 1999 (the Historical Index, XI)
- Inventario della serie "Affari politici" 1931 - 1945, Roma 1976 Inventory of the series "Political Affairs" 1931 - 1945, Rome, 1976
- Inventario delle rappresentanze diplomatiche: Londra 1861 - 1950, Roma 1976 Inventory of diplomatic missions in London 1861 - 1950, Rome, 1976
- Inventario della serie "Affari politici" 1946 - 1950, Roma 1977 Inventory of the series "Political Affairs" 1946 - 1950, Rome, 1977
- Inventario delle rappresentanze diplomatiche: Francia e Russia (URSS), Roma 1979 (FranciaRussia) Inventory of diplomatic missions: France and Russia (USSR), Roma 1979 (FranciaRussia)
- Inventario delle rappresentanze diplomatiche: Berlino 1867 - 1943, Vienna 1862 - 1938, Roma 1981 Inventory of diplomatic missions in Berlin 1867 - 1943, Vienna 1862 - 1938, Rome 1981
- Inventario dell'archivio riservato della segreteria generale 1943 - 1947, Roma 1985 Reserved inventory of the archive of the general secretary 1943 - 1947, Rome 1985
- Inventario del fondo "Commissione centrale arbitrale per l'emigrazione" (1915 - 1929), a cura di P. Assets of the Fund "Central Commission for arbitration emigration" (1915 - 1929), edited by P. Santoni, Roma 1986 (Fonti per la storia dell'emigrazione, II) Santoni, Rome 1986 (Sources for the history of, II)
- Il fondo archivistico "Serie Z - Contenzioso", a cura di L. The archival collection "Z - Litigation", edited by L. Pilotti, Roma 1987 (Fonti per la storia dell'emigrazione, VI) Pilotti, Rome 1987 (Sources for the history of, VI)
- I fondi archivistici della Legazione sarda e delle rappresentanze diplomatiche italiane negli USA (1848-1901), a cura di CM Aicardi e A. The archives of the Legation Sardinian and Italian diplomatic representatives in the United States (1848-1901), edited by CM Aicardi and A. Cavaterra, Roma 1988 (Fonti per la storia dell'emigrazione, III) Cavaterra, Rome 1988 (Sources for the history of, III)
- I fondi archivistici dei consolati di Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, New Orleans e S. The archives of consulates in Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, New Orleans and St. Francisco conservati presso l'Archivio storico diplomatico, a cura di P. Francisco kept at the Archives diplomat, edited by P. Catani e R. Catani and R. Zuccolini, Roma 1990 (Fonti per la storia dell'emigrazione, V) Zuccolini, Rome 1990 (Sources for the history of emigration, V)
- Il fondo archivistico Commissariato generale dell'emigrazione (1901 - 1927), a cura di P. The archival Commissioner General of emigration (1901 - 1927), edited by P. Santoni, Roma 1998 (Fonti per la storia dell'emigrazione, VIII) Santoni, Rome 1998 (Sources for the history of, VIII)
- Supplemento all'Inventario dell'Ambasciata in Londra (1938 - 1950), a cura di P. Supplement to the Inventory Embassy in London (1938 - 1950), edited by P. Busonero e F. Busonero and F. Onelli, in “Storia e Diplomazia” n. Onelli, in "History and Diplomacy" n. 1, luglio 2008 (Ministero degli Affari esteri, Unità per la documentazione storico diplomatica e gli archivi), Roma, pp. 1 July 2008 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Unit for historical documentation and diplomatic archives), Rome, p. 131 - 158
- Regia Legazione d'Italia Fiume (1921 - 1924), a cura di P. Directed by Italian Legation River (1921 - 1924), edited by P. De Santis, in “Storia e Diplomazia” n. De Santis, in "History and Diplomacy" n. 1, luglio 2008 (Ministero degli Affari esteri, Unità per la documentazione storico diplomatica e gli archivi), Roma, pp. 1 July 2008 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Unit for historical documentation and diplomatic archives), Rome, p. 159 - 168
Indirizzo dell'archivio storico diplomatico - Address of the Diplomatic
Ministero degli Affari Esteri - Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Piazzale della Farnesina 1 Piazzale della Farnesina 1
I-00194 Roma I-00194 Rome
Italia Italy
Tel. 06 /3691 3213; 3235; 3233 Tel. 06/3691 3213, 3235, 3233
Fax: 06/ 36914067 Fax: 06/36914067
Dr.ssa Stefania Ruggeri – Capo sezione III Archivio storico diplomatico – Responsabile Sala Studio e Servizio al pubblico Dr. Stefania Ruggeri - Head of Section III Archival diplomat - Head Study Room and service to the public
Dr.ssa Paola Busonero – Responsabile ricerche – Sezione Affari generali e relazioni esterne Dr. Paola Busonero - Research Manager - General Affairs and External Relations Section
Tel. 06/3691 3231 Tel. 06/3691 3231
Fax: 06/36914067 Fax: 06/36914067
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